The first place anyone should observe when it comes to the fountain of youth is nutrition. What you eat is very important when it comes to your energy, well-being, hair and your skin. Unhealthy foods can cause your skin to inflamed and that will lead to bad skin. Acne, wrinkles, under-eye bags, dark circles and you name it will erupt and that is not attractive to thee eye.
Anti-wrinkle creams are effective, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to add some natural nutritients that will boosts results. Skin care and anti-aging is a billion dollar market, if you are wise and you discover a beauty cream that works for you, keep it. If you are looking for something new, make sure to revise the effects of it, make sure it targets all of your skin problems areas.
With great nutrition, you don’t have to read a bottle or be precise on what to buy. Eating healthy foods takes care of your overall health, with the right health supplements added. Anti-aging equals what you put into your body.
Here are the powerful anti-aging foods that will make your skin younger and more beautiful than ever!
Improve your skin with Brussels sprouts! They are loaded with Vitamin C, a collagen producing compound that makes skin firmer and tighter.
Here we go ladies! Dark Chocolate yes, it is great for maintaining the texture of your skin. Dark chocolate has flavoniods which is good for keeping your skin smooth. Caution, while it may give you good skin, be careful of the amount you consume you don’t want those extra pounds.
Salmon is concentrate with omega-3s which is good for healthy heart functioning, lowering blood pressure and improving your skin. Salmon is like a fruit to the skin, it keeps water in the skin while pushing out harmful toxins.
Brazilian nuts are delicious and nutritious! These nuts are loaded with selenium which protects the skin from the sun’s UV rays.
Oysters yuck! I don’t particular like them, I heard they taste like snot. These little sea creatures are good, good for your skin. They have zinc that will boosts collagen levels and then increase the elasticity of facial skin. Zinc aids in faster womb healing.
Juicy and sweet Watermelon, I love it! I knew it had some nutritional value, but what I didn’t know is that it reverses the signs of aging. Eating this juicy and tasty fruit slows down the aging process while nourishing your skin.
Well that it, there you have it. Eat right and age gracefully, looking younger is quite tasty.
Improve the texture of your skin in minutes
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